eeee. geram nya kat bdiri ni.. kan dah cakap, azam tahun ni kene jadi rajin.... kenapa lah boleh x bangun study pagi tadi. ada banyak bab lagi yang x siap study ni.. alahgai mak jening. rasa nak cepuk cepuk je semua orang....
rasa cam nak skip semua kelas je hari ni baru lah leh siapm study. ada brand x??? pernah teringat lec aku cakap, if kamu buat satu perngobanan , make sure pengorbanan yang kamu buat itu bernar benar berbaloi.. " fikir fikir kan lah"!!!!.. so
nak ponteng ke x ni.... naluri dah nak study dalam kelas je????
jawab nya. tanya hati....
kata hati " ko bengong ya santoryan, toyol kan ada. bawa je lah."
jangan nak baik sangat lah azman weiii!!!!!!!
tolong click untuk bagi saya jutawan
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Saturday, 19 January 2013
ayah.. ibu... aku juga anakmu
aku tidak pernah minta untuk dilahirkan melihat dunia indah ini,

jangan lahirkan aku agar aku dijadikan bahan kebanggaan dunia,
jangan juga lahirkan aku untuk dilihat dunia,
aku ini anakmu......,
aku ini anakmu.........,
aku memang anakmu......,
wahai ayah dan ibu,
lahirkanlah aku agar tangan dan kaki ini mampu beramal kelak,
lahirkanlah aku dengan dipenuhi selimut akhirat,
aku mohon ayah.............,
aku mohon ibu................,
tadahlah tangan bermohon wahai ayah,
tadahlah tangan bermohon wahai ibu,
agar hati aku ini lembut,
alirkanlah air mata di dalam doamu agar aku dicintai hak milik,
sujudlah ke bumi meminta agar aku tidak menjadikan bumi takhta abadi,
aku mohon,
aku merayu....,
aku sanggup mengemis...,
agar aku dapat sayangmu...,
agar aku dapat kasih abadimu...,
agar aku dapat memelukmu..,
agar aku dapat memimpinmu di hari tua,
agar doa si pengemis hiba ini terus ke liang lahatmu,

aku sanggup ayah....,
aku sanggup ibu...,
aku sangup berlapar untuk hidup bersamamu,
ku nobat hati ini agar bersulam derita bersama,
hanya untuk memilik kasih tercinta mu,
kenapa kau masih jadikan aku bergini,
kenapa ayah...,
kenapa ibu...,
jawablah ayah........,
jawablah ibu.......,
kenapa tinggalkan aku di tong sampah busuk ini,
kenapa tinggalkan aku berseorang di pasaraya ini,
kenapa kau tempatkan aku di kaki lima ini,
dan kenapa kau tidak pernah mengesat air mata yang mengalir deras ini,
adakah inilah balasan yang wajar aku pikul....,
aku masih menunggu jawapan itu...,
kerana aku masih anakmu,

aku tidak mahu jadi secorot ini,
aku tidak mahu sebodoh ini,
mengapa kau tinggalkan pengaharapan palsu ini,
kenapa kau lahirkan aku untuk dihina dunia,
mungkin kau telah fikir aku ini makanan cacian dunia,
tolong ayah...,
tolonglah ibu....,
tolong aku,
aku mahukan kamu......,
jangan pernah jadikan aku si pembenci dunia,
jangan pernah kotorkan kain putih ini,
jangan pernah sesekali,

aku masih menadah tangan kini,
aku masih merayu kini,
walau ku sudah tidak melihat jasatmu,
air mata ini masih terus mengalir merayu..,
agar kau kembali,
agar kau kutipku kembali,
agar kau pelukku kembali,
agar kau kasihku kembali,

jangan dilupa sesekali,
kami mahu sayangmu.....,
kami mahu kasihmu..........,
kami tuntut nafkahmu...........,
kami tuntut masamu................,
agar kau sanggup kembali.........,
agar aku tidak menjadi anak buangan dunia,
agar aku tidak disiksa di liang sempit itu,
agar aku mampu berdoa untukmu kelak,
naluri (rumah anak anak perlindungan)
credik to (teach for the needs)
credik to (change agent)
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
jejak inovasi
kisah pembunuhan sosilawati
konsep kejadian manusia menurut islam
Saturday, 12 January 2013
se butir pasir hiba
Ku sedar kau sentiasa berbicara lunak berzikir kepada yang
maha pengcipta. Tiada henti tiada juga noktah abadi deselit di dalam nota hiba.
Pasir…… kau hanyalah debu halus yang hanya tahu berzikir. Kau tidak mampu
melangkah.merangkap pun tidak mampu. Meniarap pun tidak mampu.kau hanya mampu
berzikir lunak.nasibmu hanya bergantung harapan si pemara jalan. Jika ditiup
angin sayu, maka kau akan terbang sebentar agar kau dapat merasa nikmat di
negeri lain.sejauh mana kau pergi hanyalah bergantung kepada linangan air mata
yang berdoa. Itu sebab kau masih terus berzikir abadi.
Jika hari ini nasibmu cerah, mungkin tangan manusia akan
mencuit badanmu dan melontar jauh nuh setinggi
tenaga yang dikandung.jika nasibmu baik , mungkin tapak tapak kaki si
kucing kurap sanggup menumpang agar kamu dapat berhijrah pergi.mungkin juga
mulut si burung pipit tercubit badan lelahmu ketika menangkap sicacing tanah. Dapat
juga kamu merasa awan.tapi kamu terus masih berzikir dan bermunajad.
Kamu dikira keturunan beruntung jika di lahir di pesisir
pandai. Dapat juga kamu merasa nikmat sebenar dunia pabila disapu ombak deras. Dapat
juga kamu mengalur dalam irama. Di sini,
besar kecilmu juga digantung nasib badan sebutir pasir. Jika kamu dipukul
ombak, dihakis si masin air laut…. Maka akan kamu berubah wajah menjadi halus
dan terus menghalus. Tapi kamu tidak pernah jemu. Masih terus berzikir. Biar
segala molekul air menyiat kulit, pasir masih terus berzikir.itulah namanya pasir abadi
Tapi kita dimilik oleh si maha adil. Sifatnya tidak pernah
memilih kasih. Himpunan pasir menjadikan air laut masih terus bertakung walau
ditarik oleh kalian si namanya gravity. Ia masih terus memakin, agar laut terus
dipuji. Agar ia menjadi tempat mereka menghayun kesyukuran kepada yang maha
Bukan hanya disitu, si pasir menjadi tempat merayu si akar
akar pohon bakau agar ia tidak tumbang dibaham ombak deras. Agar ia tetap
disitu sehingga melahir zuriat seterusnya.itulah penangan sebutir pasir yang
tidak henti henti berzikir.
si pasir juga menjadi medium asas dimana berdirinya bangunan bangunan gah di seposisi dunia.bancuhan konkrik tidak akan sempurna tanpa abadinya si pasir didalam medium asas perciptaannya.walau ia tidak dipandang megah, tapi jasadnya tetap tersemat mengandung berbadan setiap nafas manusia yang memijat gagah si bangunan hebat ini.
kita selalu melihat jernihnya kaca. Memuji kecantikannya.malah menjulang harga Kristal setaraf emas di kala ia dimajung mulia manusia. Kita lupa berterima kasih oleh nadi pasir yang senantiasa berzikir mengabdi diri agar dibakar sehingga terbentuknnya kaca indah.terhasil kelopak bunga Kristal sinar suria.sehingga kaca menjadi prisma hebat yang membias cahaya menjadi tujuh warna pelangi indah. Itu lantaran penangan si pasir yang berzikir indah.
kini doamu sebutir pasir hiba termakbur. Penat zikirmu diabadi indah. Akhirnya kamu ditelan gagah oleh haiwan bercengkeram keras. Tahun demi tahun kamu terus disulam digilap menjadi pancaran yang tersangat cantik. Darjatmu dimakin tinggi oleh zikir yang tidak putus putus dilafaz seruan kata. Akhirnya kamu menjadi mutiara yang dinobat manusia. Memakainya sudah cukup membuatkan riak manusia timbul. Disayang kini tiada tolak bandingnya. Bukan tapak kaki si kucing kurap kini menjadi kenderaan kamu, tapi di leher bangsawan menempat kasih si butir mutiara.ia nikmat kepada si pengzikir abadi.kecewanya tidak sama sekali. Lelahnya juga diganti sulaman kasih abadi. Itulah cerita si sepi pasir yang hina……
si pasir juga menjadi medium asas dimana berdirinya bangunan bangunan gah di seposisi dunia.bancuhan konkrik tidak akan sempurna tanpa abadinya si pasir didalam medium asas perciptaannya.walau ia tidak dipandang megah, tapi jasadnya tetap tersemat mengandung berbadan setiap nafas manusia yang memijat gagah si bangunan hebat ini.
kita selalu melihat jernihnya kaca. Memuji kecantikannya.malah menjulang harga Kristal setaraf emas di kala ia dimajung mulia manusia. Kita lupa berterima kasih oleh nadi pasir yang senantiasa berzikir mengabdi diri agar dibakar sehingga terbentuknnya kaca indah.terhasil kelopak bunga Kristal sinar suria.sehingga kaca menjadi prisma hebat yang membias cahaya menjadi tujuh warna pelangi indah. Itu lantaran penangan si pasir yang berzikir indah.
kini doamu sebutir pasir hiba termakbur. Penat zikirmu diabadi indah. Akhirnya kamu ditelan gagah oleh haiwan bercengkeram keras. Tahun demi tahun kamu terus disulam digilap menjadi pancaran yang tersangat cantik. Darjatmu dimakin tinggi oleh zikir yang tidak putus putus dilafaz seruan kata. Akhirnya kamu menjadi mutiara yang dinobat manusia. Memakainya sudah cukup membuatkan riak manusia timbul. Disayang kini tiada tolak bandingnya. Bukan tapak kaki si kucing kurap kini menjadi kenderaan kamu, tapi di leher bangsawan menempat kasih si butir mutiara.ia nikmat kepada si pengzikir abadi.kecewanya tidak sama sekali. Lelahnya juga diganti sulaman kasih abadi. Itulah cerita si sepi pasir yang hina……
nafas hela si layang layang
Engkau semakin tinggi di angkasa. Dari mula kau bertatih. Dipimpin oleh yang
tuan besar kota.yang tuan besar kota berlari melawan arus angin agar kau mampu
terbang tinggi. Tinggi kau terbang, tinggi jugalah jumlah mata mata yang
memerhati warna warna melayang. Tinggi jugalah pengharapan yang di kandung yang
tuan besar kota agar kau tidak tersungkur di kala semua pemerhati melemparkan
tebukkan nikmat.kau menerjah awan nano
sehingga awan hitam yang mengandung sekolam air mata perawan dunia .
kini kau sudah cukup tinggi. Roda yang menggulung benang pengikat kini tidak mampu ku putar lagi. Ia sudah sampai di pengakhir jalan. Gelisah mula meyeru agar diri berfikir deras. Jantung mula kencang berdegup tanda sayangnya empunya diri kepada mu oh jelita. Oleh kerana mahu membiar jua kau mencapai bintang maka dengan aliran air mata deras ini, ku lepaskan benang terakhir agar kau pergi menjulang emas kebanggaan hati.
kini kau sudah cukup tinggi. Roda yang menggulung benang pengikat kini tidak mampu ku putar lagi. Ia sudah sampai di pengakhir jalan. Gelisah mula meyeru agar diri berfikir deras. Jantung mula kencang berdegup tanda sayangnya empunya diri kepada mu oh jelita. Oleh kerana mahu membiar jua kau mencapai bintang maka dengan aliran air mata deras ini, ku lepaskan benang terakhir agar kau pergi menjulang emas kebanggaan hati.
Kini kau mula sendiri. Hidup sendiri. Bergerak sendiri.juga
berfikir sendiri. Gelora hati mula menguasai mampukah aku terbang lagi tinggi.
Mampukan angin menampung lelah nafas
ini. sanggupkah angin menumpang kekuatan tenaga abadi kepada diri kerdil
ini???memang itu akan terjadi kepada si
anak yang baru di lepas karung penggari badan.
jika jalan kau jauh.. jika kaki kau mampu melangkah.. jika jalan itu benar, kau akan terus menelaah awan terbang ke atas sana. Dapatlah kau memerhati keindahan tuhan. Dapatlah kau berteman dengan awan nano dan awan mengandung itu. Dapat juga kau berbisik dengan sinar matahari pagi. Yang penting kau dapat menjulang emas kebanggaan hati. Kau mampu membuat yang tuan besar terseyum dan menyujud ke bumi.tapi mampukah engkau??
jika satu langkah kau meyerongkan diri.nescaya sebesar mana pun sayapmu akan tetap membawa lelah musibah sehingga kau menjunang ke bumi. Sehingga kau berbalut tanah lumpur. Di sini kau akan dipijak pijak. Tujuh warna pelangi yang dulu kau dinobat dan dipuji lesap ditutup busuk lumpur.sekelip mata hilang taringmu. Yang tuan besar kini sudah tidak mengaku mengandung si lebai Malaya ini.akhirnya kau terus dipijak sampai rupa mu kini tidak kelihatan di bumi lagi.hilang seri, hilang juga martabat bangsawan di dadamu.
jika jalan kau jauh.. jika kaki kau mampu melangkah.. jika jalan itu benar, kau akan terus menelaah awan terbang ke atas sana. Dapatlah kau memerhati keindahan tuhan. Dapatlah kau berteman dengan awan nano dan awan mengandung itu. Dapat juga kau berbisik dengan sinar matahari pagi. Yang penting kau dapat menjulang emas kebanggaan hati. Kau mampu membuat yang tuan besar terseyum dan menyujud ke bumi.tapi mampukah engkau??
jika satu langkah kau meyerongkan diri.nescaya sebesar mana pun sayapmu akan tetap membawa lelah musibah sehingga kau menjunang ke bumi. Sehingga kau berbalut tanah lumpur. Di sini kau akan dipijak pijak. Tujuh warna pelangi yang dulu kau dinobat dan dipuji lesap ditutup busuk lumpur.sekelip mata hilang taringmu. Yang tuan besar kini sudah tidak mengaku mengandung si lebai Malaya ini.akhirnya kau terus dipijak sampai rupa mu kini tidak kelihatan di bumi lagi.hilang seri, hilang juga martabat bangsawan di dadamu.
Jika dahan pula cuba menahan kemaraan kamu, maka berakhirlah
jalan indah itu. Bersemadi pula di dahan angsana ini. hari demi hari si kanak
kanak kecil memandang dan memuji indah. Tapi engkau tetap di situ sehinngga
matahari menoda dan memamah badan lazat
itulah si lebai Malaya… layang layang gemilang.layang bercampur semangat wau malaya.seri pahlawan akan tetap ku nobat atas dasar kekiatanmu melawan agar kau terus di kemungcak awan…..
itulah si lebai Malaya… layang layang gemilang.layang bercampur semangat wau malaya.seri pahlawan akan tetap ku nobat atas dasar kekiatanmu melawan agar kau terus di kemungcak awan…..
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
building effective teams (report)
ni adalah report building effective teams aku
wan khairul azman
wan khairul azman
of teams
of effective teams
effective teams
to build an effective teams
to better team works
that make team failure
We have a lot definition of team. In general definition, team is a
group of people with a full
of complementary skills
to complete
a task,
or project.
Team members
with a high
of interdependence, share
and responsibility
for self-management,
are accountable
for the collective performance,
and work
toward a common
goal and shared
rewards(s). A team becomes more than just a collection of
people when a strong
sense of mutual
thus generating performance greater than the sum of the
performance of its
members( Jafni, 2008)
Teams that are cohesive, productive, and efficient and whose members
enjoy doing their work and working together don’t happen by accident.
Successful teams are cohesive because team members work cooperatively, sharing
common goals as well as the resources to achieve them. They are productive, not
because team members never disagree, but because they have worked out ways to
resolve conflicts when they occur. They are efficient because tasks are
assigned in a way that takes into account each member’s skills and interests,
rather than letting the team be dominated by the most verbal, most aggressive,
or most popular personalities. Managers play an essential role in developing
and leading teams that work in these ways.
Type of team
Team can be divided into seven types. It is permanent teams,
temporary teams, task force, committee, work force; self managed teams, and
visual teams.
Firstly, lets we discuss about permanent teams. These teams
perform on a permanent basis and are not dissolved once the task is
accomplished.(kuok,2009) Let us understand the concept with an example. Mike,
Peter, Joe and Ana had a strong inclination towards branding as well as
promotions and hence were a part of the branding team with a leading
organization. They were primarily responsible for promoting their brand and
designing marketing strategies to generate maximum revenue for their
organization. They worked extremely hard and always managed to achieve their
targets well in advance, but their team was always in place and never
dissolved. Their organization never asked them to leave or ever dissolved their
team. Such teams are called permanent teams. Work or no work, the human
resources team, operation team, administration team always function effectively
throughout the year and hence are permanent teams.
Besides that, temporary teams also are a some from type of
teams. Temporary teams are unlike permanent teams, temporary teams lose their
importance, once the task is accomplished. Such teams are usually formed for a
shorter duration either to assist the permanent team or work when the members
of the permanent team are busy in some other project(kuok, 2009). When
organizations have excess of work, they generally form temporary teams which
work in association with the members of the permanent team for the
accomplishment of the task within the stipulated time.
Task force also is a type of teams. If we are talking about
task force we should know the meaning task force is teams are formed for a
special purpose of working on any specific project or finding a solution to a
very critical problem. The government generally appoints special teams to
investigate critical issues like bomb blasts, terrorist attacks and so on. The
task force explores all the possible reasons which led to a severe problem and
tries to resolve it within a given deadline.
Furthermore, committees are generally formed to
work on a particular assignment either permanently or on a temporary basis.
Individuals with common interests, more or less from the same background, attitude
comes together on a common platform to form a committee and work on any matter.
To organize any cultural event, organizations generally make committees to
raise funds, invite celebrities and all the major tasks involved to
successfully organize any event. The committee members work together, design
strategies to successfully accomplish the task. In educational institutes,
various committees are formed where students with a common interest join hands
to organize cultural events and various other activities required for the all
round development of students.
Organization or work force is groups are formed in
organizations where team members work together under the expert guidance of
leader. A leader or a supervisor is generally appointed among the members
itself and he along with his team works hard to achieve a common goal. The
leader all through must stand by his team and extract the best out of each team
member. He must not underestimate any of his team members and take his team
along to avoid conflicts. Samuel was working with a leading advertising firm
with two members reporting to him. Samuel always believed in his team members
and worked together with his team and no doubts his team always did wonders and
was way ahead of others.
Self Managed Teams consist of individuals who work together
again for a common purpose but without the supervision of any leader. Here as
the name suggests every individual is accountable for his individual
performance. The team members of self managed teams must respect each other and
should never lose focus on their target. No leader is appointed and the team
members have to take their own responsibility. Individuals take the initiative
on their own and are their own guides and mentors.
Finally, Virtual teams consist of
individuals who are separated by distances and connected through computer. Here
individuals communicate with each other online through internet. Sam at Los
Angeles can form a team with Mandy at Mexico and Sara at Denver all working for
a common objective but the communication is totally digital through internet.
Such teams are helpful when employees need to connect with each other and are
located at different places. Individuals supporting any community in social networking
sites such as face book also form a virtual team as all the members are from
different locations but support a common community. They all have a common
objective -to support and promote their community.
Meaning of effective teams
An effective team has certain characteristics that allow the
teams members to function more efficiently and productively. They develop ways
to share leadership roles and ways to share accountability for their work
products, shifting the emphasis from the individual to several individuals
within the teams.
effective teams
Effective teams have a
special characteristic that to make it call “effective”. Some from the
characteristic is teams members share leadership roles. Secondly, they develop
their own scope of work. Thirdly, the team’s schedules work to be done and
commits to taking time allotted to do work. Furthermore, they develop tangible
work products. They also have mutually accountable for work products.
Individual performance is based on achieving team’s products. Lastly, the
problem are discussed and resolved by the teams.
to build an effective team
All people want have an
effective team. But just a little from them that got the effective team. We
have a lot way to follow to make a team become more effective.
clarify the common goals and purposes. Make the team’s purposes clear. Take the
time to articulate the team’s performance goals and how the team contributes to
the company’s success. Even a work group that has existed for some time may
never have done this. In any case, the purposes and conditions change over
time. If you are a new boss, you will be putting your own stamp on the group’s
common goals.
clarify each person’s role in achieving the common purpose. Define each
person’s job in terms of its contribution to the group’s and the company’s
overall goals.
put team members in touch with the people who use they do. Confirm the needs of
the team’s external or internal customers or clients on an ongoing basis. For
example, tom ,be sure to talk with both materials management and the folks in
production to make sure they’re aware of the changes we have planned. Our
changes could affect their work if we’re all not in sync.
that, pay attention to conflicts when they arise. It is natural for conflict to
arise when people work in group. Conflict, handled well, can actually produce
constructive ideals. Sometimes team members will annoy each other, step on each
other’s toes, or hurt each other’s feelings. Honest disagreements can become
personal and heated. Work processes that seemed efficient can break down. it is
important to recognize that some degree of conflict among co-works is normal.
Let problems come to the surface. Avoid the impulse to demand that your
employees “drop it” or “just cut it out”. Also, anticipate that more conflicts
may occur whenever there are changes that affect the team’s membership or
that, work out ways to resolve conflicts. What works as an effective style of
conflicts resolution varies from team to team, and may vary over time on the
same team. Teams whose members all have similar experience and seniority may be
able to settle problems more informally, for example, than a team with more
ways is remember your leadership role. While you need to encourage your
employees to feel a healthy “ownership” of the team’s work, you need to avoid
trying to be “just one of the team”. You not your team’s work, you need to
avoid trying to be your own boss for the team’s results. You are expected to
get result through your people. Hold each employee responsible for meeting
goals and for solving or helping to solve problems.
that, allow team members to have input into their jobs. when you can, give your
employees flexibility on how they meet their work goals. Encourage employees to
make suggestions about changes in what they do and how they do it, base on
their direct and daily experience of what work, what does not work, and what
could work better. Of course, the only way to encourage employees to make
suggestions over the long run is to show them that you will act on some of
their suggestions.
appraise and reward each employee individually, including a review of his or
her teamwork. As members of a team, the expectations and criteria for their performance
include showing a spirit of cooperation’s, developing conflict resolution
skill, engaging in good communication with others , and being willing to help
others solve problems or get through crutch efforts. If feasible, encourage all
team members to provide meaningful feedback to one another. Be sure to give
each team member specific feedback about his or her strengths and any unique
role that the person served on the team rather than just focusing on problems
or performance gaps.
Step to betters teams
make a team’s betters do the work. We should follow a little simple step. The
step is most important because it will affect so mush of team. Below is a
little step that should be follow to achieve the target:
think about your teams first. Every individual should think of his team first and his
personal interests should take a backseat. Do not mix your personal issues with
your professional life. Keep them separate. Besides that, never underestimate
your team member. Do not neglect any of the members, instead work together and
also listen to them as well. Never try to impose your ideas on any member.
Avoid demotivating any team member.
Secondly, we should discuss
everything. Before implementing any new idea, it
must be discussed with each and every member on an open platform. Never ever
discuss with anyone separately as the other person feels left out and reluctant
to perform and contribute to the team.
The most important is please avoiding
criticism. Stay away from criticism and making
fun of your team members. Help each other and be a good team player. Be the
first one to break the ice and always create a friendly ambience. If you do not
agree with any of your team member, make him understand his mistakes but in a
polite tone and do guide him. Avoid negativity within the team.
Besides that, the
transparency must be maintained and healthy interaction must be promoted
among the team members. The communication must be effective, crystal clear and
precise so that every team member gets a common picture. Effective
communication also nullifies misunderstandings and confusions. Confusions lead
to conflicts and individuals waste their time and energy in fighting rather
than working.
the team leader must take the responsibility of encouraging the team
to give their level best and should intervene immediately in cases of
conflicts. The personality of the leader should be such that every team member
should look up to him and take his advice whenever required. He should not be
partial to any member and support each of them equally. It is the duty of the
team leader to extract the best out of his team members.
For better
team work, try to understand your team members well. Do not just always talk
business, it is okay if you go out with your team members for lunch or catch a
movie together. It improves the relations and strengthens the bond among the
team members. The team members must trust each other for maximum output.(caty,2008)
Other than that, the step that are
you should be follow is avoid conflicts in your teams. Don’t fight over petty
issues and find faults in others. One should be a little adjusting with each
other and try to find an alternative best suited to all the team members.
The last step is rewards and
recognition. Healthy competition must be encouraged among the team members. The
performance of every team member must be evaluated timely and the best
performer should be rewarded suitably so that the other members also get
motivated to perform. Recognitions like “The Best Team Player” or the “The Best
Performer” go a long way in motivating the team members. Appreciate the member
who performs the best or does something unique.
Factor that make teams
some factor that will affect the power of team. We should know the factor and
try to avoid it to make teams more effective. There is some factor that makes
teams failure:
environmental influences. The team members may be placed at different location making
it difficult for them to meet frequently. Hence a solution needs to be found to
resolve this issue. Communication is vital for any team to work well. Physical
distances can always be overcome with the use of technology. The team is not
given adequate resources in order to do its job. Besides that, you cannot
expect an employee to work with his hands tied, can you? Team efforts can be
recognized. This is a key human trait. Appreciation is a big morale booster for
any employee. A lack of recognition by the organization or its leaders about
the existence of a team can also lead a team to its failure.
Secondly, the factor that will
affect is goals. No participation from members in setting goals. This takes
away the ownership from the team. It reduces the commitment of the team
members. Furthermore, team is not clear about the goals. Communication is
vital, whether to a team or to an organization. Besides that, the goals are not
effectively communicated. Everybody is doing his own thing with no attention to
team goals. Working in silos leads to duplication of work as well as ruining
the organization culture.
Thirdly, the factor will effect is roles.
Role is no clear leader identified.. A good
leader outlines the strategy and charts the path to reach the goal. There is
buck-passing of responsibility, which shows lack of commitment. Besides that,
indulge in power plays for authority and control. This is a problem of
attitudes which needs to be managed accordingly by the leader and the
organization. Members refuse to recognize their interdependence and act as if
they were independent. This will lead to the failure of the team.
Other than that, the other factor is
process. Lack of processes makes decisions
always a crisis situation. A case of decision-making being dominated by one
person leads to poor commitment of the team. Besides that,
are one way: top down and channeled through the leader. This is not the feature
of a team. Negligible points are debated continuously. This leads to waste of
time as well as energy. Furthermore, meetings are unproductive with the issues
unresolved implies that poor planning has been done. Meetings cover trivia
versus significant issues as the way to achieve goals is not clear. In case, actions
are taken without planning, the team will fail.
The last factor will effect is
relationships. The members are unwilling to be identified with the team. There
is disguised conflict between the team members as well as severe personality
conflicts. Relationships are competitive.
is some of the main factor to make a business success. The project also easy to
handle when we get a effective teams. Something that we should know is not easy
to get the effective team. But is not impossible to get it. We must follow
simple tips to make sure we got a goal. To get the best result we should avoid
something that makes the teams not effective. Is not easy to success but is not
impossible to get it. So try your best to get a effective team.
- Brian Cole
Miller,R.(2007). Quick Team- Building Activities for busy managers.
- Deborah Mackin,
(2008). The Team-Building Tool Kit.
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